2024 Parade Practice Date: Town Rides – Final & Required

Rider must attend two gatherings in town to participate. 6:00 p.m. - Saddled and ready at the gravel parking lot of the Museum For more info, text, call or email: Vickie Corbin at 936-524-6336 - Email: viccorbin@gmail.com

2024 Parade Practice Date: Final & Required

Rider must attend two gatherings in the Boot & Bottle Club arena and trail course to participate. For more info, text, call or email: Vickie Corbin at 936-524-6336 - Email: viccorbin@gmail.com

Kid’s Parade!

Special rules apply - Contact me for more details: Vickie Corbin at 936-524-6336 - Email: viccorbin@gmail.com

Trail Ride

Meet at the B&B Clubhouse at 9:00 a.m. Posting will be on the B&B Facebook page for details and any changes to the schedule.

Trail Ride

Meet at the B&B Clubhouse at 9:00 a.m. Posting will be on the B&B Facebook page for details and any changes to the schedule.